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Futbol Mas returns to Paraguay to work in Schools in collaboration with AGCID and the AECID

Thanks to the Mixed Background of Triangular Cooperation Chile-Spanish will develop the program ‘Educating through Sport and Physical Activity, we Transform the Reality’, which aims to promote the inclusion of tools technical-pedagogical training of teachers and students. Is expected to benefit nearly 1,000 boys and girls in Asuncion.

Wednesday 10 April was formally the first session sociodeportiva at School our Lady of Luján in Asuncion, Paraguay. One of the two educational institutions that will host the program. In the instance, participants were 22 children and addressed the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits, taking into account the meals needed to better nutrition.

Within the specific objectives of the project include the promotion of learning, the strengthening of processes of resilience, and social-emotional development of children and young people through physical activity, play and sport.

The program ‘Educating through Sport and Physical Activity, we Transform the Reality’ is made possible through the Agency of the Chilean International Cooperation for Development (AGCID) and the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AECID), who through the Mixed Background of Triangular Cooperation Chile-Spain, allow the implementation of the initiative in Asunción.

The Executive Director of AGCID, Enrique O'farrill says: “this Fund has been positioned as a leader in these 13 years of operation and we hope to continue to strengthen in the coming years. Throughout this time has established itself a form of work that has allowed us to join the efforts, experience and knowledge chilean and Spanish in projects that have addressed various areas of development in several countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. We are confident that Football is a great ally to carry out the purpose of this Fund”.

Monserrat Villalba, project director of Football in Paraguay reflects on the beginning of the project, “in the Schools of Faith and Joy not only to promote physical activity through sport and the game, but it is also a key tool for social development. As professionals, we recognize the importance of cultivating values such as team work and solidarity through sport. In this context, this project becomes a vehicle for the integral growth of children and young people”.

Already in 2023, the project had its first milestone in Santiago of Chile, in the Agency Chilean International Cooperation for Development (AGCID), where it was performed the launching ceremony of the project triangle that would be implemented through the Fund Joint Cooperation Chile –Spain. The ceremony was led by the Executive Director of AGCID, Enrique O'farrill and the Ambassador of Spain in Chile, Rafael Garranzo.

Just one of those projects was the Foundation Football was introduced and today it started to run in Asuncion under the strategy of Sport for Development, which has been validated in different contexts of intervention, especially in the field of education, contributing to the development of technical skills and socioemotional that enhance the learning, the school life, mental health and the integral development of each person.

Sports Can Transform Realities.

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Central House

Bustamante 26, 4th floor, Providencia, Santiago, Chile

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