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What we do

Public Space


Foundation Futbol Mas is inserted in the heart of the neighborhoods and uses sports areas for interventions, and to build community. On the pitch, the foundation develop and carry out social-sports workshops. In the local environment we reinforce teamwork and community cohesion. While children enjoy the game, local leaders are being trained to become leaders of their communities. Through the Coordination boards Neighborhood Football and Family, the foundation encourages the adults to be part of the space. With a committed community, public and safe spaces are generated for the development of the children.



The implementation of the program ‘Schools’ seeks to promote the development of social-emotional skills in children, in addition to strengthening their school life through the game and the sport. The teaching teams receive training regarding the implementation of the Futbol Mas methodology, so they can implement it into their day-to-day practice. In the case of families, the foundation seek to strengthen and enhance their participation in the activities, to build trust towards the school. This, through the social-sports sessions and interschool liaison activities.


As a Foundation, Futbol Mas seek to strengthen positive ties and links with the environment in children and young people living in homes and temporary shelters. With social-sport sessions as the main tool to generate spaces of participation, the program ‘Residences’ focuses on encouraging the community integration of children and young people with the environment in which they live, through artistic, cultural, educational and inclusion. In parallel, the training to caregivers and caregivers generate instances of reflection and self-care, helping to facilitate spaces of sport for development.

Humanitarian Crisis


Before the arrival of disasters, Football and More active in their protocols of ‘Emergency’, and by means of programmes of humanitarian assistance, seeking to be a supportive and return the happiness to children and young people affected by the various natural disasters. Floods, fires, earthquakes or cyclones. In either case, Foundation Football is placed at the service of people affected and workshops partner sports and community activities, seeks to provide support, emotional support, and moments of distraction for children, girls and the communities in periods of post-traumatic stress disorder, as has been seen in Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and now in Mozambique.


We seek to restore the violated rights of children and youth affected by different humanitarian crises and migration processes of mass. In moments of adaptation, we try to create spaces of inclusion in communities, shelters and schools through the sessions sociodeportivas. In this context, the festivals community help to generate inclusion in the public space and promote the exchange of cultures and traditions of each ethnic group. On the other hand, you are working with the training of tutors, to become ambassadors of the programme within the same communities, promoting a culture of care and respect in children, young people and their families.


Its overall objective is to address the symptomatology, physical, social and emotional, derived from the health emergency, in children and young people, through sports, physical activity and play. In this sense, the program seeks to facilitate the identification and understanding of the core symptoms in the areas mentioned above, while promoting the well-being social-emotional well-being of children and young people in contexts of social isolation through the inclusion of activities sociodeportivas in their routines. In addition, it promotes a process of training and continuous improvement in adults and adult significant, by means of instances of training in the approach of the consequences-emotional, in the contexts described above, with the understanding that those adults and adults alike to manage the necessary relief and containment for children and young people in situation of social isolation.

Methodological Transfer


It is a training program that engages, empowers and supports young leaders, leaders, adults, and the adults that are directly related to boys and girls in your work. Through virtual meetings or face-to-face and the use of tools of micro-learning and accompanying remote, the participants learn the paradigm of Resilience as applied to sport, and the methodology sociodeportiva that implements Football. That experience then adapted and applied in different contexts, such as schools, hostels, residences or sports clubs.

How Collaborate


With your support, we continue to transform lives in the world.

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Central House

Bustamante 26, 4th floor, Providencia, Santiago, Chile

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