This report presents the scope and the results obtained in the programs that Futbol Mas took place in Latin America, Africa and Europe by the year 2023. Recorded indicators in the physical and mental welfare of children and young people, in community cohesion, in the knowledge of child rights, gender equity and capacity building.
In a world in constant change; where the inequality, natural disasters and migration flows directly threaten the rights and welfare of the child; Futbol Mas holds the power of sport and play to transform realities. For this reason, the organization that this 2024 met 17 years, presents its Annual Report of Global Results 2023 as a way of supporting the relevance of Sport for Development as a strategy of social intervention.
The Annual Report of Global Results income 2023 was conducted with the objective of exposing the work and the impact of all interventions that were carried out at the global level. “With this report, we seek to establish good practice to generate documents of transparency, quality and in multiple languages to show the world what we do and what can be achieved through sport”
says Perrine Mardiné, international director of the monitoring and evaluation of Futbol Mas
The preparation of the report was a process of almost five months, which began with the consolidation of the results, where each country presented its monitoring indicators, in addition to the delivery of relevant results. Once received, he started the systematization and the selection of the same. Then he gave way to the drafting process, where it is leaked content and settings publishers. Finally, we performed the design process, by Manuel Escudero, graphic designer of Futbol Mas Mexico, who was in charge of the planning of the information and that it is readable and user-friendly for readers.

“We are an organization that assesses all of our programs, and that gives account of the quality and professionalism of our intervention. It is important to show our results for the transparency, and accountability with different actors. This allows us to show what we do to alliances, employees, to our beneficiaries and to the world of Sport for Development.”
mentions José Rendic, coordinator of the area of studies of Futbol Mas.
“This report reflects how challenging it is to measure results in projects and realities as diverse. We seek to use validated instruments for our evaluations, and continue to move forward in generating measurements stronger from this document”, reinforces Perrine.
The systematic evaluation of the programs is fundamental to be able to learn from the successes and mistakes, make adjustments to the continuous improvement of the intervention, to make decisions based on evidence and demonstrate the results to partners. Only monitoring with attention to the interventions and demonstrating results, it is possible to transform the reality of most children and young people.
The Annual Report of Global Results 2023 is available in English and in Spanish.
Download the Spanish version
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