Successful breakfast when Futbol Mas brought together Chile's programmatic and strategic alliances
Already being a tradition. It was time for the Futbol Mas breakfast, an event where the representatives of the institutions that are part of the programmatic and strategic alliances of Foundation Futbol Mas in Chile share ideas with the team of our NGO and receive feedback on the work done during the previous year, in addition to setting future goals.
This year, in order to strengthen the awareness of what is being carried out by the foundation, throughout our country, we delivered the Annual Report 2023 Chile.Which will be available to all soon.
At the assembly, our global executive director, Guillermo Rolando thanked the commitment of the institutions that make it possible for us to develop our programs and interventions, and extended the invitation to strengthen it over timeby instances like this.

Below we share some impressions from representatives of the institutions.
We have already spent 10 years working together with Futbol Mas. It has been a joint work, and that is what we like the most. We started with neighborhoods and then moved on to schools. We are working together so that Futbol Mas, which we know is taking care of the environment and providing a protected space, reaches even further. Before, people didn't talk about coexistence, but the foundation has pushed these issues to be dealt with in the educational communities. The work that Futbol Mas does is great. We know that we are aiming for a better childhood and adolescence.
María Inés Herrera, Head of relations with the community of Agrosuper.
This is a very nice instance. We are present in several communities and that is significant both for the company and for our employees, whom we involve by informing and showing them our work associated with Futbol Mas. It is important to secure spaces like these, in this case in Colina, and in other territories where we have centers. It is key for us to have spaces and give something to the community.
Matthew Neira, sustainability Coordinator Network Megacentro.
Pictures from the day: