About Us
Futbol Mas is an NGO that was born in Chile in the year 2008
With the goal of promoting wellness and happiness in children and communities living in contexts of social vulnerability. Through social sport sessions, the foundation uses the Green Card as a linking tool to positively reinforce 5 core values:
respect, joy, responsibility, creativity and teamwork are part of each intervention. Through the game and the sport, Futbol Mas has been inserted in the heart of neighborhoods, schools, residences and humanitarian crises in more than 11 countries in Africa, Europe and Latin America.

Guillermo Rolando Vicente
co-founder of Foundation Futbol Mas and current executive director, global

Rodrigo Abarzúa Molina
co-founder of Foundation Futbol Mas and current director global commercial

Juan Araya Ariztía
co-founder of Foundation Futbol Mas and current director of the laboratory, and innovation

Victor Gutierrez Rojas
co-founder of Foundation Futbol Mas

Daniela Noreña
executive director Futbol Mas Chile

Ivonne González
directora ejecutiva Fútbol Más Perú

Ignacio Gómez
director ejecutivo
Fútbol Más México

Aitor Hernández
executive director Futbol Mas Spain

Claire Seang
executive director Futbol Mas France

Sam Musembi
executive director Futbol Mas Kenya

Daniela Barrera
director of administration and finance

Virginia Abara
directora de alianzas globales

Sebastian Salazar
legal support global

Perrine Mardiné
directora de laboratorio e innovación global

Felipe Narvaez
director of communications and marketing

Alfonso Cevallos-Zuñiga
european partnership and programmes

Christian Chávez
coordinador global de desarrollo de personas

José Gaete
jefe de formación global