Mejillones kicked-off the School Program, together with Puerto Angamos and the educational community
It is expected that the Schools Program impact 318 children and adolescents, in addition to seeking to impact in the educational community. During the previous year, 61% of teachers agreed that the implementation of this program managed to ensure that students are treated with respect among peers.
The Schools Program is already live in Mejillones. Through a Milestone release, Futbol Mas and Puerto Angamos gave the go ahead to the program that seeks to influence children, adolescents and the educational community in Mejillones with the seal ofinnovación educational way to Sport for Development.
The main activity of this milestone was a socio-sports clinic with education managers from Mejillones, where the hallmark of the Schools 2024 Program in this territory was demonstrated: the codocencia.
The official signing of the agreement with Puerto Angamos was also made through its Operations Manager, Carlos Kulenkampff. The principals of both educational establishments where the program is being implemented also signed their commitments: Lorenzo Rojas from Complex Educational Juan José Benavente and Juan Carlos Guerra from College Julia Herrera Varas.
It is expected that the Schools program impact 318 children and adolescents in these establishments, seeking to strengthen ties between the educational community, inviting teachers and parents to actively participate in the educational process, creating an environment conducive to their full growth.
The values represented by sports have the capacity and power to reach to the children and leave them with these experiences, so that they can replicate them onwards. That is why we like this program so much, because we are leaving them something. We are integrating something with the children that in the long run will be useful for their lives in the future and will contribute to generate values that hopefully will help to minimize what is happening today in terms of school coexistence.
Carlos Kulenkampff, Operations Manager of Puerto Angamos.
During the previous year, the Schools Program in Mejillones reached 250 children and adolescents, as well as the educational community, which was highly satisfied with the arrival of Futbol Mas and its program at the national level. These were the results of the foundation's Schools Program in 2023.
Through the Satisfaction survey among Teachers, measuring the perception of teachers and officials of the schools with the program of Foundation Futbol Mas, 61% agreed that the implementation of the Schools Program promoted students to treated their peers with respect.. Likewise, 80% of the teaching staff and assistants of the educational community, believe that Futbol Mas is a contribution to the school coexistence..
As a Foundation, we are very pleased to continue contributing to these two educational spaces, where unlike last year, we will be directly impacting more children in an active way, being in four classes in each establishment. This year's challenge is not less: we will cover the different ages from the work in the co-teaching, inserting ourselves directly in the physical education class.
Antoinette Eguiluz, Head of Project of Fútbol Más
See below pictures of the day on Mussels: