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Futbol Mas Spain held its first socio-sports event in Seville

The communities of Torreblanca, Los Pajaritos and Pinomontano, which are part of the project ‘Sport for Refuge’, came to the Instituto IES Albert Einstein to experience a day marked by the sport, inclusion and joy. The instance was attended by the partners of the project: Foundation Real Betis Balompié and the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR)thanks to the support of the UEFA Foundation for Children and the la Caixa Foundation and Futbol Mas Spain.

It has taken almost four years, with a pandemic in between and with the maturation of a programme that in Spain has reached almost 3,000 girls, boys, young people and adults in 2023, for the Futbol Mas Spain team to celebrate the first major socio-sporting event of its trajectory. With an attendance of almost 150 people and with the aim of generating community and a sense of belonging to the ‘Sport for Refuge’ project.

Just as on every Futbol Mas Liga that takes place around the world, its an opportunity for the parents, to also form part of the dynamics, participating or even organise themselves.In addition, the event featured a space for awards and prizes where the children enjoyed and was rewarded for their exemplary behavior during the socio-sports encounter.

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The instance included the presence of players of Real Betis, Carmen Alvarez and Dorine Chuigouewho were cheering on the teams and talking with the children and their families. Present was also, Rafael Gordillo, president of the Foundation Real Betis Balompié who is committed and involved constantly with the activities of the project. The event was also attended by representatives of the different schools of each of the neighborhoods.

Aitor Hernández, executive director of Futbol Mas Spain, commented on the relevance of celebrating this event, ‘First of all, “Deporte por Refugio” has been a project that we are proud of and has allowed us to work together with great partners. The impact of the project has been wonderful and this day is a reflection of all the learning that the children and their families have had over the years. We are very happy to be able to share this space with all the people who work as a team to make the project possible.

‘Sport for Refuge’ is a project that seeks to promote the well-being and inclusion of children in a situation of vulnerability and refugees in Seville. If you want to know more about the project, click here.

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