Be part of the fundraising campaign in Kenya and help promote the happiness of thousands of children in Africa

The exhibition called «Baba Yao,» which in Swahili means «father of all,» tells how community leader Austin Ajowi converted a garbage dump into a football field, which is now used by children who attend after school activities.

Austin is known in his community as Baba Yao. His constant desire to provide meaningful learning to children, and take them out of the vulnerable contexts to which they may be exposed, led him to work every day in cleaning the field and persevere in teaching values. Today he is one of the most important community leaders and very much loved by everyone.


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Austin is part of the team of Futbol Mas Foundation, a Chilean organization that promotes protected spaces for children, developing social and sports sessions in which they work on life skills and encourage resilience and happiness through the use of public fields.

This touching story, portrayed by photographer Sebastián Gil Miranda, received the award in the «Non-Profit Organizations» category at the Festival of Ethical Photography in Italy. It was presented in Lodi from September 25 to October 24, 2021; it has a worldwide donation campaign to support the children of Mathare and Kibera. 

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The award at the exhibition and the tremendous public interest in the photographs and the story of Baba Yao has given the incentive for the Futbol Mas team in Kenya to activate a fundraising campaign to continue funding interventions in the African country.

The fundraising campaign aims to raise around USD 25,000 to fund the implementation of the socio-sports sessions throughout the following year. In addition, by donating USD 40, people get access to a digital photo of the exhibition at the donor’s choice. 

If you would like to support the work of Futbol Mas Foundation community leader Austin Ajowi and continue to promote happiness and resilience in hundreds of children in Mathare and Kibera. You can make your contribution at the following link:

To see the photos of the exhibition and select the one you want for yourself, you must enter: and indicate the number in the information of the fundraising campaign.

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